Will Drafting Submit your details to us, online Will Drafting Request Please provide us with your information and our administrations team will be in contact with you as soon as possible. Thank you for connecting with us. We will respond to you shortly. 11https://www.rrib.co.za/wp-content/plugins/nex-formsfalsehttps://www.rrib.co.za/wp-admin/admin-ajax.phphttps://www.rrib.co.za/will-applicationyes1fadeInfadeOut Will Application*Name & Surname.*ID Number.*Gender?Testator (Mr)Testatrix (Mrs)*Residential Address.Please include Postal Code*Email.*Mobile Number.*Marital Status?Community of PropertyANC with Accrual ANC without Accrual SingleDivorcedWidowedSpouse's Name.Date of Marriage.Previously Married?YesNoDate Divorced.Ex Spouse's Name.Father's Full Name.Mother's Full Name.*Cremation or Burial?Cremation BurialAre you an Organ Donor?YesNo*Would you like a living Will?Description of a living Will: A legal document that outlines your future healthcare directive.YesNo*Do you have Assets Overseas?YesNo*Which Country do you have assets?*Would you like to create a Testamentary trust?SpouseMinorNoWho would you like to nominate to be the Executor of your Estate?Please add Full Name and ID number. *Please list your Bequest/ Wishes.When nominating beneficiaries please use Full Names and ID Numbers.SubmitPowered by NEX-Forms